Spring 2024 —
Members of our club had a fun time last night at Jimmy John’s Field. After about an hour rain delay, the game started. Despite light rain returning a few more times, we all had a good time.

Winter 2024 —
Fleece Blanket Party
Our club has been very busy this winter making hand tied fleece blankets to be distributed to various children charites around Macomb County. We do this event at least twice a year and this party created 18 beautiful and warm blankets for our community children.
Big Thank you to the Fraser Lions club for allowing us to use your building for our projects.

Troop 209 Annual visit
Our club enjoyed our annual visit from Boy Scout Troop 209. The young leaders share their previous year with us and answer all our questions about their acheivements. Central Macomb Optimist Foundation has supported this troup since 2015 by sponsoring camping fees for the scouts.
We are very proud to assist these young leaders in Macomb County.

Chrismas 2023–
Our club had a very successful Christmas Season assisting many needy families celebrate the holidays, rewarding a military family with gifts for their children, sponsoring a Mitten tree, honoring our military hero’s,sponsoring an Eagle Scout… the list goes on. Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year.

2nd Quarter District Meeting

Teresa Edwards and Dave Putt attended the 2nd Q District Meeting in Frankenmuth on February 29.
Optimist International President Adrian Elcock was the keynote speaker. Our club received a Club Fitness award and the $20 per member patch.
12th Annual Soup and Chili Cook-off

The club held its 12th Annual Soup and Chili Cook-off on February 19th. We would like to thank Debbie Doran for co-hosting the event at her house once again and to Cindy Krzezewski for doing such a great job as co-host for the evening.
Pictured at left with Cindy are this year’s soup and chili winners, Kim Brophy, Elaine Lyon and Kathy Vatalaro.
Kim Brophy was the overall highest vote-geter and she went home with the coveted Silver Ladle award. We would like to thank everyone that submitted a soup or chili entrée and making this such a fun event again this year.
New CMOC Member Installation

The Club installed two new members at our January 15 Meeting.
Please welcome Mary Bischoff-Greer to our club. (2nd from left). We first met Mary at the October Happy Healthy Halloween Event. Teresa Edwards is her sponsor.
Also, please welcome back Leslie Mansoor (2nd from right) to our club.
Leslie is a charter member of Central Macomb Optimist
Club. Her sponsor is Kathy Vatalaro.
Boy Scout Troop 209 Pays a Visit

Central Macomb Optimist Club is the chartered organization for Boy Scout Troop 209. The troop meets at Selfridge Air Force Base.
On January 15, several scouts and adult leaders of Troop 209 paid us a visit.
The scouts put together a very nice presentation about the all the great things that the troop is doing. Helping the scouts become tomorrow’s leaders is a high priority for the adult leaders in Troop 209. Towards that end, Troop 209 sends three to four scouts every year to National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT).
Following their January visit, the CMOC Board granted a $500 contribution to the troop to help offset the cost of sending the scouts to attend NYLT.
At the troop’s January 28 Court of Honor, club president Dave Putt presented the check and letter to the acting Senior Patrol Leader of Troop 209 (photo at right). CMOC members also helped the troop with their two major fund raising activities—selling popcorn and mulch.
A big thank you to all of our members that purchased popcorn and mulch from the scouts to cover troop program costs.
A Fun Time Had By All at Christmas Auction

The 2019 Christmas Auction was held at Freddy’s Bar and Grill on Thursday December 5. J
Just about everyone came home with a raffle prize or winning auction bid! The auction was fast paced and led by our emcee Kathe Searle with the help of our Christmas Elves and setup team.
A merry thank you to Kathe, Teresa Edwards, Nancy Morello, Lynn Artes, Debbie Doran, Diane Putt, Cindy Krezewski, Bill Konrad, Gil Searle and Danielle Grassmyer.
Proceeds from the event supported our adopted Christmas families.
True Meaning of Christmas

Always a wonderful evening of joy and realizing the true meaning of Christmas when Central Macomb Optimist Club delivers their Christmas gifts for a special family in our community. Our members shopped in teams finding the needed gifts in the right color and size. Gifts were lovingly wrapped and delivered last evening to Cracklewood Golf Course where the families helped will pick up their gifts today. 149 families were helped by organizations and friends throughout the community.
This year our super shoppers went out to fill the needs of 3 young children and their parents! In addition, we delivered cleaning supplies, a vacuum, bath towels and the items to make a house a home! ❤️
So Happy to support a family given to us from The Macomb Charitable Foundation as well as a military family from Selfridge earlier this month! Merry Christmas!
Honoring our Veterans—Wreaths Across America Event

On Saturday December 14, several of our CMOC members and Boy Scouts participated in this year’s National Wreaths Across America event to honor veterans by placing wreaths on the graves of our veterans interred at Resurrection Cemetery.
The day began with a ceremony at Fern Hill Golf Club to acknowledge attending veterans for their service. Among those was club member Bill Konrad who served in Vietnam.
We then proceeded to the cemetery to lay the wreaths. We appreciate the following members for attending: Mary B Greer, Barry Burnham (one of the organizers of the event), Dave Putt, Teresa Edwards and Dave Fries (not pictured are Bill Konrad and Teresa’s grandson Mylan.)
The Mitten Tree tumbles due to Over-Kindness

Due to overwhelming support from COMC members and many others— this year’s Mitten Tree at Ebeling Elementary School in Utica almost met its demise.
The weight of donated items caused the tree to tumble over at this annual event. I am assured that there were no hurt feelings or anyone sitting on the bench when the tree fell.
Thank you to all members that provided mittens, gloves, hats and whatever for both kids and adults who will be in need of them this winter.
And another merry thank you to Richard and Leesa Paul for organizing this event again this past season.
Matching Grant Continues our Support of Macomb Academy

The COMC Board submitted and then agreed to match a $500 matching grant from Optimist International to continue our support of the Macomb Academy.
The Macomb Academy provides a study/work environment for young people age 18 to 26 with cognitive disabilities.
We began our relationship with the Academy two years ago by installing a raised vegetable garden bed to augment their cooking program. The new funds will triple the size of the vegetable garden and provide additional landscaping, composting and health-related educational needs for the students on their road to semi-independence and employment.
The 2019-2020 Central Macomb Optimist Club Board of Directors was installed at our October 2nd Meeting.
The 2019-2020 Central Macomb Optimist Club Board of Directors was installed at our October 2nd Meeting.
Kathy Vatalaro received the CMOC Optimist of the Year Award.

Kathy working hard at Shop with the Sheriff!!
Congratulations Kathy V.!!!!
Michigan Optimist International governor Pam Barckholtz attended our
We also installed new club member, Karen Tucker. Welcome to CMOC!