CMOC serves Macomb Feeding the Need
Club President Dave Putt presents Macomb Feeding the Need Director Cheryl B with a check from the CMOC. Also pictured are Dan and Sue Kardasz with their grandson, Donna Onifer,Nancy Morello,Teresa Edwards,Leesa and Richard Paul, Kathy Vatalaro, Bill and Pat Konrad.
CMOC serves Macomb Feeding the Need
On Tuesday November 5th, eleven members of CMOC and one grandson spent their morning helping those in need at the Macomb Feeding the Need organization in Roseville, Michigan.
Our optimists prepared and served food for dozens of needy individuals and helped turn hundreds of plastic bags into sleeping mats for the homeless.
Happy Healthy Halloween Event at the Macomb Y
Once again, CMOC members helped to make Halloween a happy and healthy event for over 300 children. The club provided 200 bags filled with healthy treats. Members also helped run games and crafts for the children.
Thank you-Lynn Artes, Sue and Dan Kardasz, Pat and Bill Konrad, Donna Onifer, Diane and Dave Putt, Elaine Lyon, the Freestone family, Nancy Morello, Teresa Edwards and Cindy Krzezewski.
We hope we didn’t miss anyone but if we did — Thank You for making this a special night for the kids.
A thank you letter from Turning Point
CMOC members met the challenge and far exceeded our goal of donating 4000 diapers to Turning Point of Mt. Clem- ens. Thank you everyone for your generous donation. See the letter of appreciation from Turning Point president, Sharman Davenport.
Turning Point serves to end domestic and sexual violence.

1st Q Michigan OI District Meeting
Sue and Dan Kardasz and Dave Putt attended the 1st Q District Meeting at the Oakland Public Schools Building in Waterford on November 2.

Sue, our Zone 15 Lt. Governor for Michigan OI, will provide us with a recap of the highlights of the meeting and additional Michigan OI information at our November 20 meeting.
Dan was the proud winner of homemade cookies from the silent auction (see photo above).
The 2nd Q District Meeting is February 29 in Frankenmouth, Michigan.